24 month guarantee

Tested used goods

Shipping costs included

Up to 50% cheaper than new

Bis zu -50% sparen!

Smartphones at the best price
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We bring used products back to life!

How does Bontalin work?

Save up to 50% when purchasing used products!

Welcome to Bontalin

Here you will find a large selection of inexpensive, used products. On our website you can decide how much you want to pay for a product by selecting the condition of the used item. You can find more information about functions and what you can expect as a buyer of our products directly on our product page. At Bontalin you have come to the right place if you are looking for cheap used items. We attach great importance to quality assurance. Each item is carefully checked by our team to ensure it works properly and meets the stated condition. We want to ensure that you receive a reliable and satisfactory product. We also offer a guarantee for all of our products to give you additional peace of mind when purchasing.

For a sustainable future

Did you know that we often throw away functioning electronic devices out of pure consumerism? The desire for the latest technical trends often takes precedence over sustainability and many functioning devices end up in the trash. At Bontalin we are committed to a more sustainable future and enable our customers to purchase used and affordable products. Whether electronics or media, using existing products saves resources and helps create a better environment. At the same time, sellers of products that are no longer needed can still get money for them. We not only want to make our customers happy, but also make a contribution to the environment.

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